THE THUNDER GOD’S BRIDE – Chapter 11, 12

At the Tree of Life, Nadzia meets the greatest of the gods, but their encounter is sullied by a divine intruder.


Image of Veles:

For previous chapters, click here.



Confident she knew how to proceed, Nadzia entered a corridor of white marble with walls that soared to a dizzying height, their tops veiled in mist. Sconces ignited as she passed, lips pursed in anticipation. Dievas and Rodzenica would find her modest, reverent, open to their counsel. A novice perfectly willing to accept her fate, never giving the slightest hint she was on a hunt to discover their son’s fatal flaw.

Watch and learn.

The stirring music from outside diminished into a low vibration, a hum that resonated in Nadzia’s bones. Despite the cool air, lightly scented with mint, Perun rippled with heat as he walked beside her. A strange, different kind of warmth. Not passion—that had a sultry languorous feel she thoroughly enjoyed. This was sticky and moist, a layer of nervous sweat that stoked her curiosity.

If anyone had cause for alarm, it was Nadzia. No mortal had ever stood before the greatest of the gods, and she was embarking on a journey with an undetermined, potentially lethal end. But Perun . . . what did he have to fear? Hadn’t the Fates given him exactly what he wanted?

They neared a bench surrounded by pots of lemon trees. “Should we rest a bit?” she asked. “You seem ill at ease.”

Perun laughed sourly . “When my parents request your attendance, it is wise to appear as quickly as possible. Their wishes are paramount. Had they not allowed you the night to settle, we’d have already come and gone.”

“But you look out of sorts. Surely they’ll notice.”

Another laugh rattled Perun’s chest. “My appearance doesn’t matter. You’re the one they want to meet. Leave it be.”

They strolled down the seemingly endless hall. Nadzia lost count of how many doors they passed—large, small, boxy, round, wood, stone, curtained, a few with windows. Did they lead to private areas for each god? Perun had no interest in them. He rushed her along, finally stopping in front of an archway that revealed a chamber filled with grand chairs and a black marbled podium. “This is the Throne Room,” he explained. “The chairs are magic portals linked to our realms. We can gather at a moment’s notice if necessary.”

“You needn’t fly to get here?”

“No, and neither will you after we marry and you’re made divine.” Perun hesitated and cleared his throat. “I hope you will not abandon Salomeya. The skies are full of wonder. There is much I wish to show you and she is a most trustworthy mount.”

“I would love to see the stars up close,” Nadzia said. “But how can I, if my horse will only travel between the Tree of Life and your temple?”

“When you become a goddess, she will take you anywhere.”

Nadzia fell silent. There was no point in getting angry about things she couldn’t change. She studied the room ahead. Gilded tapestries of each god and goddess covered the walls. Sunlight sparkled through a glass-domed ceiling. She counted sixty linden chairs arranged in three rows, separated in the middle by a scarlet rug. None were presently occupied. “The seats are vacant,” she said. “Is that by chance or design?”

“By my father’s command.” Perun used the hem of his sleeve to pat his face. “This is a private audience. You will be introduced to my brethren another time.”

He let out a ragged sigh and escorted her down the carpet, their destination a raised platform bearing two jewel-encrusted thrones, both empty. It didn’t provide the intimacy Nadzia preferred—the room was too enormous for that—but at least she’d only have to deal with the four of them. Smaller gatherings didn’t take as great a toll on the voice and mind.

She steeled herself for the task ahead. Humans were easy to mesmerize—especially if they already lusted after the one bewitching them. Immortals? Unknown.

Except for Perun. His ties to her were so fraught with emotion he couldn’t be considered an example of how other gods might respond.  She was treading in new territory here.

Fates be kind, let me stand fast.

The back of each chair bore carvings that heralded its occupant. She recognized several as Perun pressed her forward. Sheaves of wheat symbolized Mokosh, the goddess of fertility. Ships on stormy waters stood for Girdaitis, patron of sailors. The woman sleeping on her side? That was Breksta, goddess of twilight and dreams. Lightning bolts—Perun, of course. A serpent for the god of the Underworld. Lesser deities were relegated to the back, the more exalted closer to the dais.

Her breath hitched as they neared the front and she caught sight of dolphins engraved in wood. Jūratė’s throne. Forever empty because of the beast that walked beside Nadzia. She shuddered and blinked away tears. Not here, not now. She wouldn’t snivel before the gods who thought the mermaid’s daughters their playthings.

Perun, so consumed by his inner demons he didn’t detect her response, brought her to the foot of the platform and motioned for her to kneel. Placing a hand on her shoulder, he bowed deeply and addressed the largest throne. “Father, we have come for your blessing.”

Nadzia gasped as the greatest of the gods shimmered into view, twice the size of an ordinary man. Light spilled out from runes adorning his purple robes. He held a scepter topped with a crystal orb and wore a crown of amber. A pure white beard fell to his waist. He said nothing to Perun, only looked at him a long moment, his brows rising in confusion or derision—Nadzia wasn’t sure which—and then turned his attention to the mortal awestruck at his feet.

He was beyond magnificent, possessing a glorious aura that completely dominated space and time. Nadzia faltered under his scrutiny. How could a mere human hope to overcome so imposing a force? He would ferret out her lies the moment they were uttered, unmask her deception in a heartbeat. Defeated before she’d even begun.

Or perhaps that was part of his power, to instill doubt, to have mortals look upon him and cringe at their insignificance, never dreaming they could oppose him. Nadzia steadied her breath and let her mind settle, as the convent had trained her. She kept her eyes downcast, properly devout, her pulse racing as she waited for Dievas to acknowledge her.

The air quivered. “Rise, child.”

Nadzia obeyed at once, coming to her feet in one fluid motion. Such a voice! Had she thought Mother Gintare irresistible? The abbess was a mewling babe compared to Dievas. The air practically danced as he spoke, his words thrummed with power that prickled Nadzia’s flesh. She raised her chin and looked into the darkest eyes she’d ever seen—black, fathomless, inscrutable.

Yet perhaps not as secret as she first imagined. Beneath his stoic gaze Nadzia saw joy mixed with pain. She was his daughter, his own divine blood reborn. But she wouldn’t exist if Jūrate hadn’t defied him and mated with a fisherman. He might receive her with open arms or treat her with icy disdain.

Watch. Learn. Let him show you the way.

“I see a divine spark in you,” he said finally. “Welcome home.”

Acceptance. A good sign. “Thank you . . . Father. I am honored to have been chosen.” Nadzia crooked her head in the direction of his companion’s throne. “Your wife is not attending?”

“She will be here soon.” Dievas reached for Nadzia’s hands and squeezed them softly. “I must tell you, this union gives me the greatest pleasure. The mermaid goddess resurrected and joined with the one who never ceased to love her.”

Nadzia’s blood roared in her ears at his touch, throbbing with a divine vigor that shivered her flesh. “As the Fates intended.”

“Some might think it odd, a marriage of fire and water,” Dievas said, releasing his hold. “I consider this a most excellent match. My son is volatile—I made him so. He needs the soothing calm of a siren’s voice to temper his wildness.”

Nadzia toyed with her braid before speaking, careful not to seem too pleased. Dievas wanted her to coo sweet nothings in the god of storms’ ears? Perfect. No one would blink an eye as she tamed his son. She was, after all, acting as the Divine Creator wished.

She smoothed the folds of her gown. “The daughters of the sea are no strangers to passion. It is our nature as well. Perun and I are more closely matched than you think.”

“Perhaps.” He glanced again at his son. “It must have been difficult to leave your sisters.”

“I will see them again, won’t I?” Nadzia kept her tone casual. Dievas had already banned her from traveling to the coast. Would he do the same in days to come no matter what Perun claimed about her independence as a deity? “You’re making me a goddess after all, a guardian of the sea. My duties will bring me to Palanga on occasion.”

Dievas’s brow creased. “Take care with your visits. Humans have been known to corrupt gods, as your presence here attests.”

“My convent is forever beholden to you for allowing us to thrive,” Nadzia said with a quick dip of her head. “We have no desire to repeat the mistakes of our ancestors.”

The lines deepened. “Then you have no allegiance to the mortal world?”

“Only that which compels me to protect its waters. I wish to maintain their glory and ensure the creatures who inhabit them are not harmed.”

“A noble goal,” Dievas said with a hint of pride. His face softened. “Why speak of the past when your future is so bright? This is a day to rejoice and my wife yearns to greet you. Ah, here she is now.”

Rodzenica was almost too beautiful for words, her skin a caramel sheen. Waves of silvery hair tumbled past her shoulders onto pale green robes. She had a full sensuous mouth, the edges lifted in a regal smile, and violet eyes that took in everything from behind hooded lids.

“Mother.” Nadzia sank into a deep curtsy. She stared at the floor and silently thanked whatever magic kept it mirror-bright; she could watch the goddess’s reflection and gauge how to react. She sensed, somehow, that Rodzenica’s response would carry more weight than the god of creation.

Rodzenica seemed to be probing beyond appearances. She raised a hand to her chest and fondled an amber necklace that echoed the gleam of Perun’s jewel. Her eyes darkened with a hint of displeasure. Or was it disappointment?

“Let me hold you,” she said. “We should not be strangers.”

Nadzia filled her mind with peaceful images. She might have appeased Dievas’s suspicions of mortal entanglements, but doubt hovered beneath Rodzenica’s words, a wariness not so easily mollified. She returned the goddess’s cool embrace and imbued her voice with the tiniest of tremors. “I hope you will not find me wanting.”

“I trust the Fates have chosen the proper girl.” Rodzenica leaned back in her throne, peered at Perun’s jewel and returned her gaze to Nadzia. “However, I do not look to them now. You have allayed my husband’s concerns, but I wonder about your heart. Destiny is one thing, the decision to love quite another.”

Nadzia dropped her eyes to hide her confusion. Did she have a choice in the matter? That didn’t make sense. The gods dictated, mortals obeyed. Maybe this was why Perun had been so solicitous, because she could actually refuse his affection the way Jūrate had. Was that the secret to his downfall, to wed and then snub him? The convent had based its plan on the assumption that Perun’s ruin had to include a physical element. What if emotions were the way to bring him down? An eternity alone, all hope of a loving companion forever dashed?

She snuck a glance at him from under her lashes. His brow shone with sweat, the muscles in his jaw clenched in a spasm. He stared straight ahead, silent as a rock. If he knew the reason for his mother’s question, he was either unwilling or unable to offer Nadzia help with her reply.

Fine. Until she knew more, she would assume nothing had changed, that the goddess was simply prodding her to alleviate any concerns over the god of storms’ happiness. Because only his feelings mattered.

She raised her head and looked about the chamber. “Grant me a moment if you will,” she said, her voice thick and quavering with emotion. “Yesterday I was but a novice. Today I’m standing before the mightiest of the gods. Everything is more astonishing than I could ever imagine. It takes my breath away.”

“Of course, my dear,” Dievas replied with an indulgent grin. “You need time to adapt.”

Nadzia continued, infusing her words with hope and desire. “That isn’t all, Father. There’s a part of me that feels as if this is where I truly belong. That when I am accustomed to all this wonder, I will find joy like never before.”

“It is the blood of the divine in you, seeking harmony,” Dievas said. “You long to be united with your own kind. And so you shall.”

Mortals are my kind as well, but you had no qualms about wresting me away from my family and saddling me with a monster I loathe. Despite her best efforts, Nadzia couldn’t keep her jaw from twitching, a movement that caught Dievas’s attention. He shifted in his chair and exchanged a look with Rodzenica that spoke of some unfinished business between the two. “Nonetheless,” he said with a nod in his wife’s direction, “I would hear your answer. Can you learn to love my son despite his turbulent ways? I have no doubt he will adore you completely.”

The jewel resting on Nadzia’s breast flared to brightness. She moved to Perun’s side, lightly gripped his arm, and filled her eyes with unabashed admiration, as if he were a paragon of virtue. Time to make her voice wholly persuasive. She took a breath, found the timbre that beguiled humans, and prayed the gods would be as enthralled. “A day ago, I would have sworn he was all fire and fury,” she murmured. “Now I am moved by his tender consideration.”

“Indeed?” Rodzenica arched a brow in surprise. “He is not known for gentleness.”

Nadzia pursed her lips. Choose your response carefully. There is more at work here than what you perceive. “His followers are drawn to his might, that is true. But when we are alone, just the two of us, he is charitable and eager to please. I could not ask for more in a husband.”

She felt Perun’s pulse quicken at the earnestness of her words. Good. At least one of these gods believed her. “Is this love, this desire to linger in his presence?” she added dreamily. “I only pray he will find me as pleasing.”

“My love.” Perun embraced her, kissed the top of her head. She sighed and basked in his warmth, not wanting to break the magic of the moment. As long as he believed her, all was well.

And then mocking laughter wafted through the room. Nadzia peeked around the god clasping her as if she would break, her eyes widening in shock and surprise. Wasn’t this supposed to be a restricted gathering?

Veles sat coiled upon his throne, his serpent’s tongue flicking over black fangs. “At last the day has come. The mermaid’s daughter declares herself for the one who killed Jūrate. I tremble in the face of such devotion.”




The blistering heat of Dievas’s fury scalded the air. “I ordered my children to grant us time with the girl before we introduced her to the court,” he bellowed. “How dare you defy me?”

“I must have been busy when that edict was issued,” Veles said with a lazy shrug. “The Underworld is so demanding. But now that I’m here it’s obvious why you want to keep her to yourselves. She’s an absolute treasure, isn’t she? So modest, so adoring, so eager to yield to the will of the gods. And yet . . . do I detect a hint of spice among the sweetness?”

He slithered across the floor and settled a few feet from the platform. Nadzia squirmed under his inspection. Though his torso was more human than serpent, Veles had a snake’s eyes, yellow with black slits. His gaze lingered over her curves, highlighted by the drape of her gown. “She isn’t the beauty Jūratė was, but then none will ever match the mermaid goddess’s allure. However, there is a distinct resemblance to Kastysis. He was quite handsome for a fisherman, if you recall. They have the same set of the jaw. Proud, strong, stubborn.”

His attention switched to the god of storms. “Must be difficult, brother, to see traces of your human rival in her face.”

A growl rumbled deep in Perun’s throat. “I see my bride and no one else. She was chosen by the Fates. You would do well to respect their decision.”

He held up his right arm. Sparks coursed across the skin. “Or must I teach you a lesson in manners?”

“Come now, brother, it was a simple observation, nothing more. I’m sure she’s everything you deserve.”

Perun gripped Nadzia so tightly she struggled to breathe. “Don’t worry. I’ll never let him hurt you.”

“He wouldn’t! How can you think that?” She wriggled loose, surprised to be defending a god who’d practically undressed her with his eyes. But this had been a day of lies; she wanted to speak at least one truth. “Veles is a true friend to the convent, an ardent champion of the Blessed One. We are in his debt for protecting us since her death. Were it not for his traps, we’d have been overrun by pirates.”

Veles’s scales rippled with pleasure. “A clever bit of magic on my part. I scattered stone adders across the cove bed and enchanted them to come alive at the scent of marauders—pirates possess a most distinctive smell. My snakes swarm the rowboats, merrily bite the screaming marauders and leave the corpses for the bottom feeders.”

He glared at his brother. “Had I thought to employ them centuries ago, Jūratė might still be alive.”

“Adder venom won’t kill me. And I was in the sky, not the water.”

“They would have surrounded the amber palace and made themselves into a granite barricade. She’d have escaped your wrath. But she died alone and frightened, knowing she was killed by a jealous god.” Veles bared his fangs. “Coward.”

Steam erupted from Perun’s brow. “It was an accident.”

“So claims many a killer in my domain. I rule over a world full of innocents.” Veles’s sibilant laughter quieted into a sneer. “I have special dungeons for those who deny their culpability. As foul as the creatures who inhabit them. I’m keeping the biggest cell free for you, brother. I won’t rest until I see you shackled.”

Nadzia belatedly realized that whatever loyalty Veles deserved, she had to stand up for Perun or she’d never convince his parents she was happy with her fate. She reached for the god of storms and hooked her arm into his. “He’s changed. I wouldn’t be here elsewise.”

“Or maybe,” Veles said with a veiled glance at the thrones, “my father grew tired of waiting and demanded the Fates choose.”

Dievas slapped his thigh. “You go too far. I have prisons of my own, far worse than even you can imagine, and I can easily assign another god to rule the Underworld while you inhabit a cage for however long I deem fit. I tire of your refusal to accept what happened. You cannot alter the past and your rancor serves no purpose save to vex me.”

“My apologies.” Veles touched his forehead, lips, heart. “Yet I will not pretend to like this situation. This girl is far too trusting.”

Nadzia disguised her snort as a sneeze. Any fool could see that the lord of the dead was spoiling for a fight. “I trust the Fates,” she countered, echoing Rodzenica. “We will be content.”

Veles sighed, a melancholy exhalation at odds with the mischief in his eyes. “Well, my dear, just remember: no matter when or where, you can call on me for help. I’ve a warren of tunnels that traverse the human world. A most convenient way to collect the dead.”

“You won’t get near her,” Perun said, stepping between them. “Not with my eagles watching.”

“I’ve yet to encounter a door I can’t breach,” Veles answered with a sly smile. “Rest assured, if she is ever in distress, I will come to her aid.”

Nadzia snuggled against Perun. He was warm, too warm, and though she had yet to see him rage, she suspected his fury was building. She attuned her voice to a resonance that fostered amity and prayed it wasn’t too late to tamp down the anger percolating throughout the room. “I wish the two of you would stop bickering. It is a most generous offer, Veles, but I assure you, I will be perfectly safe in Kaunas.”

“If you insist.” Veles crooked his head and squinted. “I wonder . . . if you’re so completely enamored, why delay the wedding? One so deeply smitten can hardly object.”

“What?” Nadzia startled in surprise. If she married now, she wouldn’t have to pretend anymore. Rodzenica would make her divine. The convent and her sisters would be forever safe. She could do as she pleased, go where she pleased, with no surly god to sap her energies. He might live on, but wasn’t the Order of  Bursztyn’s security more important? And she’d have eons to learn his secret frailty.

A bubble of elation surged within, one she dared not release until she knew exactly what Veles intended. This serpentine god’s nature was as slippery as his form. There must be something he expected to gain from a quick ceremony. Better to keep her emotions in check until she knew what he wanted.

But if the snake god’s intentions eluded her, the flash of relief on Perun’s face baffled her even more. A quick ceremony offered numerous benefits for her. She couldn’t imagine why would it cheer him, unless he saw it as a chance to weasel out of his commitment to work on his temper.

She turned to Rodzenica. “Is it possible? We can marry at once?”

“My son promised to invite his followers,” the goddess replied. “I will not have them think a god’s words false. We must give them time to reach Kaunas.”

“You have plenty of servants to help decorate,” Veles continued, ignoring his mother’s opposition. “An hour or so, and then we can round up our brethren. They’ll be ecstatic. Just think, a surprise wedding at the Tree of Life!”

“Not here,” Perun snapped. “At my temple. And you are not welcome.”

“Someone needs to be there on Jūratė’s behalf.”

“My bride can choose a mortal from the convent.”

“I am a member of this pantheon. You will not deny me.” Veles spread out his neck in the form of a cobra’s hood, an ages-old challenge. “I demand my rightful place.”

Nadzia stroked Perun’s arms, dismayed by the steam wafting from his fingers. “Don’t let him goad you. He wants you to attack. Show him you’re above his taunts. Let your parents decide if he may attend.”

She sang softly, caressing his flesh until the sweltering cooled. “That’s right. Breathe. Relax. You are the one in control.”

“I never thought to see you tamed, brother,” Veles jeered. “I have a number of restraints in my lair. Shall I procure one for your bride to tether you? An early wedding gift, perhaps?”

Perun roared and shoved Nadzia aside. She scrambled up the dais and took refuge behind his father’s throne. The fights between these two brothers were legendary although, to her mind, pointless. Neither god completely triumphed. Immortals couldn’t kill each other, only humans. She chewed her lips, cursing silently. Bad enough this encounter had dismantled all her hard work—Perun was more inflamed than ever—she didn’t think she could bear to watch him brandish the power that had killed Jūratė. She tugged on Dievas’s arm. “Can’t you stop this, Father?”

He started to rise, but Rodzenica intervened, pushing him gently back into his seat. “If she loves our son, then she must accept him fully, good and bad. I am not proud of what she is about to witness, but better they clash in our presence. She is not in jeopardy here.”

The brothers circled each other and then charged, colliding in mid-air before tumbling to the floor in a blur of scales and sparks. Perun howled as his chest was slit open by pointed black nails. He grabbed Veles by the throat, grunting with pleasure as the snake-skinned god writhed. The slitted eyes bulged, the struggling ceased. And then Veles smiled and sank his fangs deep into the hands throttling him. With a howl, Perun fell back.

They eyed each other warily. Veles hissed and spat out a stream of black venom. A foul-smelling lump landed on the god of storms’ arm and sizzled. Perun bellowed and summoned a ring of fire around them. He laughed as the flames grew and Veles searched frantically for an escape. “Enjoying the heat, brother?”

Nadzia’s throat filled with bile. This was the beast she’d grown up hating, a god whose wrath knew no end. She maneuvered around the thrones until she was crouching at Rodzenica’s side. If this assault didn’t cease, she might not be able to hide her disgust. All the effort she’d put into appearing satisfied would be suspect. “Please,” she begged. “Stop them!”

“To what purpose? They were enemies before Jūratė’s death. Her passing only deepened the rift. Be thankful we are here to protect you.”


“Patience, my child. You will have time to soothe your groom.” Rodzenica cast her an icy glance filled with disdain. “Stop cowering. Stand proud, as a goddess does no matter what she observes.”

Perun’s body flushed deep crimson. With a cry that shook the walls, he hoisted the god of the Underworld above his head and flung him through the blaze across the room. Veles crashed into the doorway and slumped to the ground, spittle dripping from his mouth. The flames around Perun died. He smiled grimly as his flesh cooled and took on its normal ruddiness.

But the god of the Underworld was not defeated. He rose languorously from the floor, brushed off bits of ash from his scales and wriggled to the dais. “Well, that was an amusing interlude. Now, Father, surely you’ll permit me to stand alongside my brethren at the ceremony. Jūratė will want to hear all the details and I know you don’t enjoy visiting my realm.”

“Had you not ignored my orders and provoked your brother into a rage, I might be more lenient,” Dievas replied with a scowl. “Perun deserves a quiet wedding. Keep away.”

“If you insist.” Veles’s eyes shone black with hate. “Are you satisfied, brother? I won’t watch you marry the mermaid’s daughter.”

Chest heaving, Perun approached his mother. “The ceremony?”

“How much time do you need to visit your temples and spread the news?”

“A few days, at the most. Those furthest away can leave at once and be in Kaunas within a fortnight. I can use my chariot to transport them if necessary.”

“Then we will see you wed two weeks hence. I wish this matter settled as soon as possible.” Rodzenica arched a brow and looked to her husband. “Do you concur?”

Dievas waved his assent and turned his attention to Nadzia. “What of the bride? While I cannot allow Veles to intrude, he is correct in asserting that we allow someone to witness this momentous affair in Jūratė’s stead. Who would you choose?”

Nadzia pulled herself upright and straightened her spine, conscious of Rodzenica’s scrutiny. “You spoke of your gratitude toward my convent. May I invite the Elders and a few novices to accompany them and attend to their needs?”

“You may.” Dievas extended a hand bedecked with rings. “Now there remains but one final matter. We must examine the jewel you summoned.”

“Of course.” Nadzia unclasped her necklace and placed the enchanted stone in the god’s open palm. Without its warmth against her chest, she felt exposed and strangely bereft, as if the beat of just one heart wasn’t enough to sustain her. She massaged her throat, unsettled by the thought. What sort of magic was she wearing?

Dievas peered at the gem. “So small a piece of divinity yet see how it pulses with power. You are fortunate to have summoned this, Nadzia. A glorious life awaits you.”

He passed the chain and pendant to his wife. Rodzenica cupped the amber and murmured. Her eyes clouded, the lids fluttering as she slipped into a trance. The jewel brightened, then dimmed, again and again, until the goddess finally roused and gave Nadzia a curious smile.

Perun’s breath grew ragged. “Is anything amiss, Mother?”

“No, my son. All is as it should be.” Rodzenica returned the necklace and smiled again. “Welcome to our world, daughter. Wear this always as a reminder of your destiny.”

“May you find joy in our midst,” Dievas added. “Now that all is settled, we must send for a raven to carry our invitation to Palanga.”

“No need for a bird,” Veles said. “I will gladly deliver the message for you.” He winked at Nadzia. “The Order of Bursztyn holds me in high esteem.”

Dievas thumped his scepter. “So be it. Off with you now,” he said, waving in dismissal as servants appeared with trays of nectar and jeweled goblets. He took one and passed the other to his wife. “Perun, I suggest you begin informing your disciples at once. The days will pass quickly and they will need every minute to prepare.”

“A moment if you please.” Rodzenica’s voice held a touch of wariness. “We should not leave our daughter alone while her betrothed is away. She needs guidance. And she has a wedding to plan. I will send Mokosh to help with the details.”

Nadzia reached for the jewel at her chest. Had the goddess detected something questionable inside the stone? Its pulse was steady, its light and warmth as well, and yet Nadzia felt certain the amber held more than she perceived. An enchantment beyond the one that had called Perun to her. A spell only he and the queen of the gods understood.

Perhaps Mokosh knew the answer. If not, they could inspect the jewel more closely in Perun’s absence, take the necklace apart if need be. At the very least, the company of someone who supported the convent’s aims and didn’t fly into rages would be a welcome change.

Nadzia dipped into a curtsy. “Your consideration humbles me, Mother. I’m sure it will be time well spent.”

©2022 by Kathryn Jankowski


THE THUNDER GOD’S BRIDE – Chapters 9, 10


Perun loses his temper, and Nadzia is presented with a magical gift.

For previous chapters, click here.




The jewel at Nadzia’s throat gleamed brighter and pulsed faster than before, a sign her affection had grown. She kept Perun to a slow pace as they descended the path from the temple’s entry, pausing to marvel at the birds that serenaded them, the color of the sky­­—such an intense blue! Her face shone as bright as a newly opened blossom.

He squeezed her arm, reveling in her happiness, grateful she was whole and well. He’d thought all was lost when she gagged and turned crimson after just one sip of the gods’ nectar. But a vaporous cloud had issued from her flesh, draping her in a mist that smelled of the sea. It must have been an immortal gift from the mermaid goddess, a form of protection that lingered in her daughters’ veins, awakening only when needed. Nadzia had emerged wondrously changed. How long would it last?

They followed a fork in the trail and walked up a small rise that led to a fenced area with a large coop for chickens and a garden divided into neat beds of fruits, vegetables and herbs. At their approach, a tall, lank man weeding a patch of glistening strawberries clambered to his feet. He removed his straw hat and rushed to open the gate. “Good afternoon, sir, madam,” he said with a hasty bow. “How may I assist you?”

Perun beamed with pride. “This is my chosen one, Nadzia.”

The man’s face, leathered and browned by years of working in the sun, crinkled with pleasure. “Congratulations! I wish you both every happiness.”

“The Fates have been kind.” Perun nodded at his bride. “This is our gardener, Adomas. He comes from the south.”

“A pleasure.” Nadzia reached down and plucked a strawberry from the patch near her feet. She popped the fruit into her mouth, sighing with pleasure as she chewed and swallowed. “Adomas—that means ‘man of the earth,’ doesn’t it?”

“Indeed it does, my lady,” he answered, blushing at the recognition as he smoothed thinning strands of salt-and-pepper hair “I come from a long line of farmers.”

“I’d say your parents named you well. These berries are the best I’ve ever tasted. How do you grow them so sweet?”

Adomas pointed to a mound in the corner of the yard. “There’s the secret. There’s nothing better for strawberries than old oak leaves dug into the soil.”

“We’ll have to send a few bags to my convent. Sister Bronis could use them.” Nadzia left Perun’s side to walk among the rows of plants. “This reminds me of her garden: carrots, potatoes, peas, onions, beets, rosemary, thyme, oregano, berries.” She wrinkled her nose at the hens strutting nearby. “We don’t eat the flesh of land animals at the convent. Might I have fish instead?”

“There’s pike, perch and bream in the river,” Adomas replied, “as much as you please. Everything else we eat is transported to our dock from the coast or midlands. Dairy, flour, meat, wine and the like. The boat stops by weekly.”

“If it’s spirits you enjoy,” Nadzia said with an impish grin, “then you’ll have to try the convent’s mead. Sister Bronis makes it with honey she gathers from our beehives. Could your boatman pass along a request for a few bottles?”

Adomas returned her smile. “That can be arranged. He’ll be here tomorrow morning. Bring me a note before then and I’ll be sure he gets it.”

“I’ve always been an early riser. Maybe I’ll hand it to him myself.”

Adomas laughed. “I’m sure he’d prefer a message from a beautiful woman, not a grizzled old man like me.”

Perun leaned against the gate post and watched them with a tinge of envy. If only he could talk as freely with Nadzia, as if they were old friends. But caution kept him from opening up. He couldn’t let down his guard while she wore the amber. Every action he took, every word he spoke had one aim: to win her affection. He couldn’t possibly tell her the truth, that he was doomed to perish without her love.

“And books,” she continued, swiveling to wink at him. “Lots and lots of books. For those long winter nights when we need something extra to occupy our time.” She smiled at the heat that flushed Perun’s cheeks and returned her attention to the gardener. “I’d like to meet the merchants as well. Gabrielle says they’re full of news.”

“Merchants?” Perun jaw tightened. Was her interest in the traders casual or based on new information? He smothered a curse. His mother’s enchantments had prevented him from observing while Nadzia bathed. A simple girl like Gabi could have easily been mesmerized into divulging what she’d heard at the docks about the Order of Bursztyn, with nary a soul the wiser. He had little leverage if Nadzia knew about the rumors. Even less if she suspected the handmaiden was spying on his behalf.

A vein at the side of his forehead began to throb. He stormed up to Nadzia and spun her around to face him. “What did that blasted girl tell you?”

Her shocked gasp brought him back to his senses. She backed away, her arm streaked with angry red marks, her face pinched with pain and fear.

Perun looked down in dismay. Crimson sparks arced from his fingertips to the ground. He steadied his breath and willed the fiery particles to fade. Damn his temper! A moment of pique and his morning’s work was ruined. The divine dazzle in Nadzia’s eyes flickered and died, the shine in her jewel dulled to a pale orange glimmer. She studied him with a mixture of alarm and dismay. “Nothing of consequence,” she said. “Truth be told, I wasn’t really paying attention. Surely you know how Gabi loves to chatter.”

Adomas was at her side in a flash with a handful of thyme leaves. “Chew these and then hold them against your skin, my lady,” he advised. “They’ll ease any pain or swelling.”

Nadzia raised the herbs to her mouth and gave Perun a long searching look. He waited until she applied the green poultice and then reached out, gritting his teeth when she shied from his touch. This wouldn’t do. He couldn’t let her think him a beast. He called upon his power, created a rainstorm in his palms and blew divine sheets of water across the space between them. Her flesh healed in moments.

“Forgive me,” he said. “Gabi is an impressionable young woman. The traders she flirts with often ply her with nonsense. She’ll pass along any tale, sensible or not. I don’t want her filling your head with far-fetched gossip.”

Nadzia silently massaged her arm. She dropped her gaze to the ground, closed her eyes, and shuddered. Perun forced back a wave of anxiety. His parents expected them to visit today. He couldn’t show up with a skittish woman at his side. “Are you feeling better?”

“Yes.” Nadzia peered at him intently. “I suggest we address your concerns regarding my handmaiden in private.”

She put a hand on her heart and addressed the gardener. “Thank you for the herbs, Adomas. They helped.”

“Is there anything else you wish of me, my lady?” The gardener cast an oblique glance at his master. “I’ve a day’s worth of chores to finish if not.”

“I’ll see to it that you receive the note,” Perun said. “Continue your work.” He motioned toward the barn, a short walk past the garden. “If my bride would be so kind?”

Nadzia’s chin jutted forward as she moved past him, her body stiff with displeasure. Something flashed across her face, an emotion gone too swiftly for him to name, although he guessed it was hardly pleasant. Fool of a god! Were there any choice in the matter, Perun would delay the meeting at the Hall of Thrones for as long as possible, until he was back in her good graces. But he didn’t dare make Dievas and Rodzenica wait.

Blood surged to his face. Would she tell them what had just happened, condemn him before he had a chance to make things better? He hadn’t intended any harm, but she couldn’t know that without an explanation. How much to tell her without revealing his motives, that was the problem. He cleared his throat and thrust his hands behind his back as he caught up with her. “I apologize for being so quick to anger. It flares when I think someone dear to me has been afflicted in some way.”

“Afflicted?” Nadzia stopped and squinted at him. “By a servant’s gossip? How weak-willed you must think me. I assure you, my only interest is in hearing about events on the coast. You can’t expect me to leave the only home I’ve ever known and not want to know how my family fares.”

Perun held out his hands and silently thanked the Fates when Nadzia didn’t blanch in response. Even so, he chose his words carefully. She’d seen him at his worst. Nothing would change that. He had to make her understand if wasn’t intentional. “I did not mean to offend or hurt you,” he began. “But I cannot change how I was made. My father filled me with fire and fury. I need them to create storms and fulfill my duties.”

“You blame Dievas?” Nadzia said with a sniff. “A sorry excuse.”

Perun tamped down the irritation her reply evoked. “That isn’t what I meant. This passion that roils within me, this is my nature. The slightest provocation ignites it.”

“So I must restrain my curiosity, never speak my mind lest I stoke your ire? If that’s what you want in a wife—someone meek and subdued—then ours will not be a happy marriage.” Nadzia looked at him with a hint of defiance. “I will be your equal as a goddess. Don’t expect me to curb my disposition because you can’t control your own.”

“Never!” Perun rubbed his brow and sighed as he searched for a way to fix a mess that grew muddier each time he opened his mouth. “I admire your composure, your grace, your geniality. Perhaps . . .  perhaps you might teach me how to master my emotions? I cannot bear to think I have ruined things between us.”

He bit his tongue in agonizing silence as Nadzia surveyed him from bottom to top, as if she were seeing him for the first time. Her face lost some of its harshness. When she finally captured his gaze, she seemed to have decided in his favor. Perhaps not entirely, judging from the caution that lingered in her eyes, but enough for her to look at him without fear. “I suspect apologizing is foreign to a god,” she said. “Which makes your words all the more sweet. As for the task you’ve put before me . . .” She looked down the hill to the cottage built for them and smiled faintly. “I believe we can start tonight.”

Perun gently grasped her wrist and kissed her palm, silently cheering when her flesh warmed. “I will be your most ardent pupil. Whatever you ask of me, you shall receive.”

They walked in silence along the outer edges of the garden, past a brood of hens pecking for worms and clucking at their chicks. Beyond the fence, Perun’s white ox grazed amidst bundles of fodder piled high against a giant red barn. Nadzia breathed deeply as they entered the building. “I always expect animal houses to smell rank, but you’ve got sweet grasses and herbs drying in the loft. It’s a nice scent.”

Perun’s heart fluttered with unexpected pleasure. Did she realize how beautiful she looked in the light filtering through the barn’s rafters? Even lovelier than Jūratė, something he hadn’t thought possible. He wanted to tell her so, but he wasn’t sure how she’d react. Did mortals take offense when their charms were compared to another? He’d have to ask Gabi.

He led Nadzia to a high stone wall, pushed open its central iron gate, and whistled sharply. A slender, dark-skinned boy clad in a black shirt and pants came running from the back and skidded to a stop before them. He bowed, gave Perun a clean white handkerchief, and returned to his station. Perun moved behind Nadzia and shook out the cloth. “This is a surprise,” he whispered. “I’d like to cover your eyes until the last moment. Will you allow me? I promise, you’re not in danger.”

He stifled his impatience while she considered the situation. If Nadzia rebuffed him, the gift could still be presented, just not with the flair he wanted. To his relief, she gave a curt nod. “I’ll hold you to that promise.”

“Straight ahead, my love,” he instructed, his grip light on her shoulders as he guided her forward. “We must venture beyond.”




With her vision blocked by the white cloth, Nadzia relied on other senses as she moved forward. The hay beneath her feet smelled of sunshine mixed with an underlying odor she couldn’t quite identify, an acrid tang. Small animals—barn mice, probably—skittered away at her approach. She curled her fingers around Perun’s. He’d made her vow of vengeance infinitely easier by asking for help with his temper. There was no reason to start small, as she had with the handmaiden. His request, unwitting but welcome, meant Nadzia could begin with her most persuasive voice.

She didn’t know how many nights it would take to pierce whatever shields the god of storms had erected to preserve his secrets. Even when mesmerized, mortals were surprisingly stubborn about revealing their weaknesses and hidden desires; she could expect no less from a deity. But Perun had given himself over to her care, and that gave her an advantage she hadn’t foreseen. A stroke of luck, perhaps. Or maybe the Fates had intended this all along.

He halted abruptly and embraced her from behind. His breath tickled her ear like a sultry breeze. “Listen,” he whispered. “Do you hear it?”

A musical nickering, high and sweet and strong. Clomping hoofbeats. More music, deeper this time, rougher, followed by soft snorts. Nadzia tore off the blindfold and let it fall to the straw as she gazed in wonder at a black mare led by the boy she’d seen earlier. “Dear gods,” she murmured. “Is this real?”

She leaned back into Perun’s warm bulk, her awe mixed with dismay. She’d encountered any number of wild animals in the forest—skittish deer, shy rabbits, timorous foxes, even a young brown cub and its mother—all tamed quickly with sweet whispers. But this was a divine beast, eyeing her with what looked like suspicion. Did it sense fear?

The horse reared up, unfurled a pair of lustrous ebony wings and settled into a majestic pose. “A gift from my father, created especially for you,” Perun explained. “Are you pleased? The boy, Bernardo, is her groom. He lives in the loft. Call for him whenever you wish to travel.”

Nadzia swallowed heavily, then pitched her voice low. This was a rare gift indeed. A superior beast. She should approach it with the proper respect. “Such a pretty girl,” she cooed. “Do you realize how wonderful you are? So dark and strong. What a joy it will be to ride you.”

The mare shook its mane and pawed the ground before sidling closer. “She is a proud one, as befits her maker,” Perun said, nodding in approval. “You do well to appeal to her vanity. Do not rush this first encounter. Let her come to you.”

He fished an apple from his robes. “Try this.”

Nadzia moved within an arm’s length of the horse and offered up the ruby-red fruit. “Come now, my lovely. Know me better.”

The horse was soon nibbling, its velvety nose tickling Nadzia’s palm. She laughed with sheer delight. “I’ve never had such a wonderful present. What’s her name?”

“We call her Vargas,” the boy answered. “She is here to serve you, ma’am, like me.”

Nadzia stroked the mare’s long neck. “No, absolutely not. Vargas is a slave’s name. I won’t allow it. From now on she will be known as Salomeya—the powerful one. How do you like that, my sweet?”

A nicker of approval followed her words. Nadzia laughed again. Dievas was too kind. This was the stuff of legends, a magic beyond compare. Such generosity! She imagined herself soaring across Lithuania and beyond, exploring the country at her leisure, perhaps even visiting her neighbors across the Baltic Sea.

Even better, she could fly to the coast in the morning, enjoy a day with her sisters and the Elders, and be back in time for dinner. A perfect way to keep in touch.  The Order of Bursztyn hadn’t made provisions for direct contact once Perun’s bride left for his temple. Messages, even in code, were too easily intercepted. Any new information was to be relayed through Mokosh, the goddess of earth whose long association with the convent put her above reproach. Now even that wasn’t necessary; Nadzia could relay news in person.

Perun stood silent, watching her with misty eyes. Surprised at such an open sign of tenderness, Nadzia impulsively thanked him with a quick kiss. He was a god of many moods—not all of them pleasant, as she’d just seen—but now, as his face softened with pleasure, he looked as if he truly enjoyed her happiness. “I never thought to see such a wonder, let alone ride one,” she said. “May I fly anywhere?”

Perun hesitated before he answered, his face tweaking with chagrin. “I’m afraid not. She has been trained to fly between my temple and the upper realms of the Tree of Life.”

Nadzia’s euphoria cratered. How could anyone give her such a glorious creature and then bind her with constraints? Did Dievas suspect the convent had ulterior motives or was this a means of emphasizing that her old life was dead and gone, that only the gods mattered? She struggled to keep her voice level. “Then she is under your father’s command, not mine.”

“Do you see this?” Perun grasped the mare’s left ear and traced a silver O embedded in its lobe. “My father ordered me to forge two circlets. The first is implanted here. Dievas wears the second on his left hand. Both glow when you are aloft.”

Nadzia buried her face in the horse’s neck. This was her world now, a place where Dievas was in control. Why she’d expected otherwise, she wasn’t quite sure. Hadn’t he decided the fate of Jūratė’s daughters centuries ago without any thought as to their wants or needs? She couldn’t decide whether to blame Perun as well—he’d only done his father’s bidding and he looked none too happy at having to explain the restrictions. But while she might risk rebuking the god of storms for his actions, she didn’t dare display anything but gratitude when it came to the highest-ranking deity of all.

She straightened and ran her fingers through Salomeya’s mane. “I’ve always dreamed of visiting the place where Jūratė was born,” she said with a false heartiness. “Now I can go there any time. What a thoughtful present. I’m sure we’ll have many happy journeys together.”

“I am glad to hear this. My parents are anxious to greet you.”

“Now?” Nadzia scrabbled around her brain for an excuse to delay the inevitable. The goddess had warned her to be careful and trust no one. How was she supposed to find her way in a world run by a god who exerted his dominance by curbing her freedom? A mere novice was hardly the equal of conniving deities. Perun might not see through her guise, but Dievas and Rodzenica were bound to scrutinize her like a bug under glass.

“I just ate,” she said finally, massaging her stomach. “Shouldn’t I take time to let breakfast settle? I’d hate to arrive with curd and eggs splattered all over my gown.”

Perun shrugged. “I wouldn’t worry. The nectar should protect you from any ill effects. Besides, if you feel sick, no one is better at healing than Mother.”

Nadzia hid her frustration with a smile. Damn the power of the gods! Would they frustrate her every move? She tried a different approach. “The ways of divinity are foreign to me. I’d hoped to learn more of them from you, follow your advice as to proper conduct. I don’t want your parents to think me dim-witted and unworthy of their son.”

“Nonsense!” Perun said with a disbelieving huff. “You are the goddess reborn. They will adore you.” He draped a shining silver blanket on the mare’s back and patted the fabric. “There’s no need for a saddle. This cloth will hold you in place. Come along, let’s get you settled.”

Lifting Nadzia as if she weighed hardly more than a feather, Perun hoisted her atop the mount, took hold of the reins, and led the horse outside into a day thick with heat. When they reached the clearing in front of the temple, he wrapped the leather straps around her hands. “Hold tight with your legs and tell Salomeya when you’re ready. I will fly alongside you.”

He moved back a few feet and raised an arm to the sky. “Sėkla žaibas!” A bolt of lightning descended, enveloping him in golden flames. Nadzia watched in fascination as the fire worked its magic and changed him into a giant eastern eagle. Brownish-black feathers covered his body, save for his neck and head, which turned a creamy golden buff.  Bold white spots topped his shoulders and the end of his tail. Arms lengthened into wings with tips that looked as if they’d been dipped in black ink, feet shriveled into four sharp talons each. His mouth elongated into yellow-rimmed lips and a blue beak. Only his eyes remained the same, pools of green flecked with amber.

When the fire sputtered out he emerged from the ashes, spread his wings and took to the sky, whistling a series of high-pitched notes as he soared upward.

Salomeya pawed at the ground and unfolded her wings, turning her head and snuffling as if to remind this new rider they had places to go, people to see. “I know, I know,” Nadzia said with a reluctant sigh. “We have to follow him.”

She squeezed her thighs and gripped the reins. “Go on, then, my sweet. Take me to Dievas.”


The Tree of Life contained three levels. Its roots anchored the Underworld, the realm of Veles, a serpentine god. Humans dwelt in the middle section, their world so vast they never came close to its edges. The upper reaches belonged to the Immortals. They lived in a maze of rooms within the trunk, with separate areas for each deity, a grand hall of thrones, and courts for official hearings or ceremonies. Nadzia hoped for a private introduction with fewer eyes taking her measure while she decided how to present herself.

If Perun spoke truly and her return was gladly anticipated, she shouldn’t have to do much. Contrary to her earlier assertions, she was well-versed in courtly behavior, thanks to Mokosh, the earth goddess who’d been assigned to the convent since the first twins were born. The rules were simple with regard to Dievas and Rodzenica. They were due every respect. Always let them speak first and set the tone of the conversation. Follow their lead. Do not fear speaking openly but consider the impact of contentious words. The creators of all took enormous pride in their children, but their indulgence had limits. Best to stay in their favor.

There would be more freedom with the lesser gods. They weren’t always at home, as it were. Many preferred to reside in their domains or take long sojourns visiting acolytes at temples and shrines. Nonetheless, they occupied a social tier above a demi-god like Nadzia. She owed them subservience; a brief curtsy or a bow would suffice. How she navigated the rest was entirely in her hands.

According to Mokosh, some of her brethren looked forward to Nadzia’s arrival. Others—especially those who never forgave Perun and begrudged him any happiness—would view her with skepticism, if not outright hostility. Depending on the deity she chanced upon, she might be met with a hug or a haughty sniff. Whatever the reaction, it was up to Nadzia to maneuver her way amidst them.

She shook her head. Court sounded very much like the novices’ quarters. It shouldn’t be so terribly hard to establish herself. And there were only a few weeks before the wedding. Once she was fully divine, she’d be on equal standing with her fellow gods and goddesses.

Perun dropped down to glide alongside her. He stayed a few minutes, winked, and then shot straight up. Salomeya surged after him into the clouds, pumping her wings with new vigor. They left blue skies and climbed through a mist speckled with rainbow-hued ice crystals that clung to Nadzia’s hair and gown. Surprisingly, she felt neither chill nor damp. Perhaps the nectar truly was protecting her, as Perun had claimed.

They flew higher and higher. Nadzia’s thighs ached from pressing against her horse’s flanks. Finally, the mists parted. In the distance, massive branches with silvery leaves loomed, the ancient limbs reaching out like ghostly fingers. Salomeya coasted to a halt atop the largest branch, where the wood appeared to have been flattened to provide an easy landing for horse or chariot. An invisible choir welcomed them. Nadzia bent her head to listen, transported by the irresistibly sweet celestial voices. Goosebumps pebbled her arms. What marvels awaited?

Perun alighted at her side. The music grew louder, more strident. This time, his transformation required no fire. A brisk shake and his features swiftly returned to their normal state. Was it the magic of being so close to his origins that allowed so rapid a change, Nadzia wondered, or his haste to bring her to his parents? She slid into his open arms. He set her down gently and tucked her hand into his elbow. “Are you ready?”

She nodded and let him guide her past ferns and bubbling fountains, their destination a pair of mammoth golden doors engraved with panels, each one devoted to a member of Lithuania’s pantheon. The entrance opened as they neared, and a light more brilliant than the sun spilled out to greet them. “Daughter of Jūratė,” a deep voice intoned. “We bid you welcome.”

Nadzia’s skin prickled at the thought of what she would face inside, the intrigue she would encounter. She recalled the advice Sister Ramuna offered during rehearsals for the  annual solstice play: “Deception is easy. Create a fiction in your mind, hold fast to it, and no one will glimpse the actor behind the mask.”

She could do this, pretend to be a humble mortal in awe of her new status, ask the gods to guide her. Let them show her what to do, what to say. Watch and learn. She breathed deep, pulled back her shoulders, and walked into the light.

©2022 by Kathryn Jankowski

Image of Baltic amber:



Perun, god of storms

Nadzia mesmerizes a servant into divulging a curious secret, breakfasts with Perun, and realizes he has his own means of manipulation.

For previous chapters, click here.



When she lived at the convent, Nadzia rose at dawn with the novices and Elders to pray. Without a bell to rouse her, she slept hours beyond sunrise, until light streamed through the oculus of Perun’s temple. She stretched luxuriously, reluctant to leave the comfort of her silken sheets.

Birds chattered from nearby oaks. Nadzia took a deep breath. She didn’t quite know what to make of this air, so different from the salty tang of the sea. It was warm with a fresh verdant undertone. Refreshing in its own way. She’d have to explore the grounds soon, familiarize herself with new scents and sounds. Make her forays so common a sight that no one would ever suspect she was searching for clues to topple the god of storms.

She threw off the covers, put on thin slippers and the diaphanous robe draped across the end of her bed, and reached for the bell that would summon her handmaiden. Gods knew she hated the thought of a stranger fussing over her when she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself, but if she wanted to sow the seeds of enchantment, she had to act as if Perun’s desires perfectly matched her own. If he wanted to coddle her, she must oblige.

But first, she had morning devotions to complete. She walked across cool stone floors, passed through the curtains that separated her room from Jūratė’s shrine, and kneeled on a bench before the rows of candles. They illuminated a niche with a portrait of the goddess riding atop a dolphin on foam-flecked waves, a depiction so realistic the sea appeared to ebb and flow. Nadzia sighed wistfully, remembering the thrill of ocean races with these sleek mammals she considered friends. Fates willing, she’d be back with them soon.

She sat back on her heels, gazed at the goddess’s image. Was there any point in praying? Jūratė wasn’t divine anymore; she could neither help nor hinder. And it didn’t make sense to ask for help from some who’d counseled acceptance rather than vengeance.

Yet without the magic of her mesmerizing voice, the goddess’s gift to all her daughters, Nadzia didn’t stand a chance at snaring her prey. That alone merited respect. She bent her head. , Blessed One, help me find the words to tame the beast. Show me the way to make him mine.

A gust of wind whooshed through the temple. Nadzia twisted backward and glimpsed Perun’s ox and chariot landing outside the entrance. He’d left her alone? Of course he had, it was summer. He must have traveled east during the night to water crops, leaving her in the protection of his fire-breathing eagles at the entry.

She scurried back to her room, rang the bell and settled on the bed’s edge, her fingers idly tracing the figure embroidered atop her quilt. Green-blue scales, bronze skin, flowing black hair. The mermaid goddess, Jūratė, immortalized in expert stitches by a seamstress at the top of her trade. Nadzia wondered if the quilter lived nearby, if Perun had sent a sketch of what he wanted. If he would toss the cover in his eternal fire after realizing he’d been betrayed.

The rustle of drapes. A petite girl dressed in pale blue skirts and matching blouse stepped into the room and curtsied. “Good morning, mistress. How may I serve you?”

Nadzia blinked in surprise. She’d expected someone older, not a girl nearly her age. “I’m sorry to bother you, Gabrielle, but I’d like a cup of tea.”

The handmaiden curtsied again. “Ludvika expected as much.”


“The cook. She has a kettle simmering and fireweed tea leaves ready to steep. We’ve readied a bath for you as well.”

“A bath?”

“If that’s what you wish. We thought you might enjoy soaking under the trees.” Gabrielle held her breath, waiting, her eyes fixed on the floor.

“Thank you, that’s quite thoughtful.” Nadzia felt a twinge of annoyance when the maiden sagged with relief. This was absurd. They were both dealing with a monster. They should be allies, companions, friends. “And please, call me Nadzia.”

Gabrielle clapped a hand to her mouth and slowly let it drop. “Gods be praised,” she whispered. “The master’s brought back a kind woman.”

Nadzia swallowed an angry retort, piqued at the idea that outsiders would think the daughters of Jūratė anything but kind. “You expected someone just as fierce?”

“I beg pardon, mistress. I spoke out of turn.” Splotches of color mottled the handmaiden’s cheeks. “We are most gratified that you are here.”

Nadzia took a moment to study the girl. After years of lessons with Sister Dain, she was well acquainted with the nuances of voices. This one was laced with uneasiness, something more than the general discomfort she’d expect from a mortal bound to a turbulent deity. Under her silent perusal, the girl fidgeted, one hand twisting the fabric of her skirt. There was something to be ferreted out here, although it puzzled Nadzia to think a servant would have anything to hide.

Before she could begin framing her questions, Perun’s shadow darkened the curtains. “May I enter?”

She took a seat at the table. “Of course.”

“Did you sleep well?”

“Like a baby.”

Perun motioned toward the trunk at the foot of Nadzia’s bed. “Gabi, help my bride find suitable attire and then bring her to my quarters for breakfast.”

“What should I do about the bath we prepared for her?”

A spasm tweaked the thunder god’s jaw. Anger or something else? Nadzia pushed up from the chair, unsure of his mood, but sensing he needed to be soothed. “What a delight to learn your servants anticipated my needs,” she said brightly. “Don’t you love to begin the day cleansed and refreshed?”

“My storms wash me well enough.”

Nadzia inched closer and ran a finger up Perun’s forearm, relishing the way his skin prickled in response. “It won’t take long. Please?”

Perun tugged at his moustache. “Why don’t I soap you?”

Not yet. Not until I’ve had a chance to spend time alone with this girl. Nadzia softened her voice, infusing it with the dulcet tones she used to tame skittish fawns and wary rabbits. “Waiting will increase our pleasure. Go along now. The sooner I bathe, the sooner I can join you. I’m sure your imagination can keep you company until I return.”

Perun laughed, kissed her cheek, and lumbered to his room. Gabrielle inched back, her eyes dark with fear and awe. “It’s true what they say. The daughters of Jūratė are witches.”

“We are blessed with certain powers, nothing more.” Nadzia rubbed at a small ache in her forehead. The spells she employed with animals never left her this exhausted. Thank the goddess she was heading for a bath. A good soak would revive her.

Outside, the sky was clear and blue as a robin’s egg, the air heavy with the promise of  heat. A portly woman with a braid of white hair waited at the temple’s top step with a basket of bathing supplies resting on her hip. She curtsied gracefully and offered a warm smile that softened the severity of her gaze. “My name is Ludvika. I hope my cooking meets with your satisfaction.”

She paused and looked askance at Nadzia’s nightclothes. “A word of advice if I may, mistress? The wedding and feast day are fast approaching. Men and women of all ages will soon arrive. We don’t want them to think you immodest. Perhaps less revealing garments?”

Nadzia smoothed the gossamer fabric, so transparent that anyone within a few feet could easily detect her body’s peaks and valleys. She’d never considered there might be eyes other than Perun’s assessing her. She sent a silent prayer of gratitude to Jūratė for sending such a wise woman to look out for her. “Thank you. I hope you’ll continue to offer your guidance and counsel. This is all so new to me.”

Ludvika nodded and transferred her basket to the handmaiden. “Call upon me at any time, mistress. I am here to serve.”

The trio walked down a gravel path that snaked toward the river. Ludvika took her leave at the servants’ wattle-and-daub bungalow. Gabrielle guided the two of them onward in silence. They strolled past a small field with bushes of chin-high nettle that sheltered redwings. The birds burst into song, sweetening the air with their friendly chirps. At the path’s end, they entered a grassy clearing under a circle of oaks, where a high-backed bronze tub etched with flames sat on a wooden platform. “This isn’t what I’d call modest,” Nadzia said. “Why worry about my clothes when anyone can barge in here?”

Gabrielle set down her basket. “Rodzenica enchanted the clearing for privacy. Once we’re inside the clearing, a hidden veil descends. Nobody can see or hear us. And the water remains at the perfect warmth while you bathe.”

“Truly?” Nadzia perched on the edge and tested the rosemary-scented contents with her elbow. Satisfied, she slipped out of her clothes and lowered herself into the tub, moaning with pleasure as the soothing liquid caressed her parched skin. This was a luxury she hadn’t expected. At the Order of Bursztyn everyone kept clean with daily swims in the cove. Baths were a weekly ritual, an immersion in heated water from Jūratė’s sacred spring. A daily soaking would be a treat. She could watch the birds circle overhead, learn their songs—there would be species inland that never reached the coast—maybe even add her own.

She’d have to speak to someone about how to prepare the water. Rosemary was a delightful stimulant, a perfect herb to begin the day, but Jūratė’s daughters required sea salts to nurture their skin. She’d have to send for a supply from the convent.

“May I wash you?” Gabrielle asked, dipping a cloth in the water. “I’ve a light touch, or so my mother used to say.”

Now it was Nadzia’s turn to blush. For all her trysts with village boys, to have a strange woman bathe her seemed shockingly intimate. Was she so accustomed to equating touch with sex that she’d forgotten a caress could be warm and innocent? She hoped not. She wanted her children, gods willing, to always feel at ease in their skin.

She smiled at the handmaiden. Even if she didn’t learn Gabi’s personal secret, the girl might yield a few hints about the thunder god’s habits, quirks that could be used against him.  “That’s fine. Let’s start with my hair.”

Nadzia dunked her head and then sat upright with her legs stretched straight as Gabi massaged her hair. The shampoo had an unexpected fragrance that tickled her nose—earthen, with a subtle peppery note. “Mmmm, that’s a scent I don’t know. What is it?”

“Cornflower, mistress. It grows wild among the wheat and rye in the fields around Zuvintos. I brought a bag of dried petals with me when I came to serve the god of storms.”

“Is that where your family lives?”

The hands rubbing her scalp stopped. “There’s none left but me.”

“I’m so sorry. What happened?”

“Fever took them. Weren’t dead but a day when I heard Perun needed a new handmaiden to replace a girl who was leaving to marry her sweetheart. Thought I’d start a new life here.”

“Are you content?”

“There’s plenty of work,” Gabrielle said cheerfully, resuming her task. “Ludvika is a good friend and a wonderful cook. I think you’ll enjoy her meals.”

An evasive answer if ever I heard one. I was right! There’s something she doesn’t want me to know. Nadzia steadied her breath. Time to work a small enchantment. Anything beyond a simple prodding could leave the servant in a daze and arouse suspicion. Thank the goddess the two of them were safe from prying eyes and ears.

“I’m sure there’s a delicious breakfast waiting for me.” Nadzia looked over shoulder. “Do you mind if I sing while you work, Gabrielle?”

“Oh, would you? I’ve heard that the daughters of Jūratė have the sweetest voices in all the land.”

“I should hope so.” Nadzia eased back against the tub and crooned a set of notes as cheerful as a yellow warbler brightening the day. A friendly song laced with the power of a siren’s enchanting persuasion. Soon the girl was humming the same melody.

Nadzia gripped her knees. Go slowly. See how she responds before you strengthen the spell. “I’m glad you like it here. What about Perun? Does he treat you well?”

The girl responded at once. “He’s a stern master, to be sure, yet I expected as much and I am honored to serve him. We all are.”

Hmmm. Not quite there yet. Nadzia modulated her tone, gave it a touch more magic. “But he’s such a passionate a god. And his temper . . . well, everyone knows how easily it flares.”

Gabrielle’s speech took on an unexpectedly playful tone as she reached for a towel to wrap Nadzia’s hair. “You’d think a god wouldn’t be interested in mortal matters, but he loves to listen to the stories I hear whenever I fetch supplies from the dock. We’ve had some good laughs together. He . . . stars above, there’s a mermaid on your neck!”

Nadzia felt for the slightly raised figure at the base of her skull. “All of Jūratė’s daughters bear her mark.”

“What about the boys? Is it true they’re thrown into the sea?”

“Where did you hear such nonsense?” Nadzia bolted up, her spell momentarily forgotten at the mention of a foul rumor she’d thought long dead. “We don’t bear sons, only daughters.”

The handmaiden swallowed heavily. “I meant no offense.”

Nadzia huffed as Gabrielle moved to the side of the tub to soap her arms, her irritation mollified by the realization that the girl had spoken freely, unencumbered by propriety. She resumed her song, waited until the air around them shimmered. “Tell me, at the dock, do you ever talk to traders who’ve been to Palanga?”

Gabrielle’s response, hesitant and slurred, confirmed the spell was taking effect. “They’re always full of news. Why only yesterday I was telling the master about how they said . . . .” She stopped and frowned.

Nadzia deepened the persuasion in her voice. “What did they tell you?” She peered at the handmaiden, nodding with satisfaction at the slightly unfocused eyes, the slackness of the jaw.

A tremor passed through the girl. The words came out slowly, reluctantly, as if speaking them betrayed some sort of trust. “They said the daughters of Jūratė are bewitching. That no one really knows what you do at the convent.”

“Why should they? Our worship is private, our lives as well. There’s nothing magical about that.” Nadzia leaned forward and sighed as the handmaiden kneaded her back. This girl was strong in body and mind. She was holding back, but Nadzia didn’t dare risk more. Perhaps a different approach?

“How long have you served here?”

“Almost nine months, mistress.”

“So short a time and yet you have a most cordial relationship with my betrothed.” Nadzia laced her voice with yearning, fingers crossed that she wasn’t going too far. “I so want to make him happy. Help me, Gabrielle. What can I do?”

“Well .  .  . I heard him at one night at Jūratė’s altar. He was begging for a girl who would truly love him. That she had to genuinely care before they wed.” Gabrielle switched her attention to Nadzia’s legs. “Doesn’t make sense, does it? You’ll be together forever. That’s plenty of time for love to blossom.”

“Curious, that he’d make such an appeal in the presence of a servant.”

Gabrielle dropped the washcloth. She leaned close, her words barely audible. “Please, you mustn’t tell! It wasn’t but the one time, when I was behind on my tasks, dusting your room later than usual. I hid under the bed so he wouldn’t see me. We’re not supposed to be in the temple when he prays.”

“Your secret is safe with me. Is that all?”

“I don’t remember anything else. He just kept repeating that the girl he brought back had to love him before it was too late.”

Nadzia stood and let the handmaiden wrap her in a thick white robe, then stepped onto the platform and slid her feet into a pair of woolen slippers while her hair was combed and woven into a single braid. While it was true she hoped to manipulate Perun’s emotions, she couldn’t imagine why he needed her affection. What would happen if he thought her indifferent? “Too late,” she repeated. “Are you sure that’s what he said?”

“Yes, mistress. Although I can’t imagine why. The gods have all the time in the world, don’t they?”

“So it would seem.” Nadzia’s arms rippled with goosebumps. She pulled the collar of her robe tight and followed the handmaiden back to the temple, so engrossed with trying to figure out what Perun’s words meant that she could only nod and murmur at the girl’s constant chatter.

What was the god of storms hiding?




The sun was skirting the treetops by the time the thunder god’s bride and her handmaiden returned to the temple. The cloudiness in Gabrielle’s eyes had cleared, her lively banter reduced to silence. A good sign. Next time, Nadzia would know exactly how to pitch her voice. She tried to ignore the needles of guilt that pricked her conscience at the thought of enchanting the girl again. It might not be entirely fair—Perun was her foe, not the ones in his employ—but she had to learn everything possible to defeat him.

Gabrielle set down her basket and opened the dolphin-engraved chest at the end of Nadzia’s bed. Inside were gowns woven of the finest silk dyed the colors of a rainbow after a storm. Nadzia choose an emerald green chiton that glided across her skin like a whisper. The dress, secured with a matching band of silk, ended just above leather sandals with soles that perfectly fit her feet. Fashioned by supernatural hands, she guessed. No human cobbler created such fine work.

Nadzia retrieved her pendant from the cabinet drawer, dismissed Gabrielle, and examined her reflection in the mirror. The amber shone with its usual golden gleam, but it was the hypnotic pulse of the red heart inside that caught her eye. She stroked the jewel and considered what she’d learned. If for some unknown reason Perun needed a daughter of Jūratė to love him, then it seemed the way to defeat him would be to reject his every advance.

Did she dare show animosity, forgo any thoughts of seduction? There was always the chance that the handmaiden had misheard; a frightened girl hiding under a bed wasn’t the most reliable of witnesses. And what did too late mean—a week, a month, a year? How could she proceed with so little to guide her? Her head ached just thinking about it.

She drummed her fingers on the cabinet top. A god who desired love was more easily snared with honey, not vinegar. Better to leave things as they were. Let him think her smitten and then slowly gain his confidence until she knew more. Because there had to be more. Nothing was simple when Immortals were involved. The convent’s library had shelves devoted to stories of their trickery and collusions.

And what could be sweeter than convincing Perun of her affection only to reveal it as a hoax at the perfect moment? To look in his eyes when he realized she’d fooled him and won. To make him suffer the agony of betrayal.

A fine goal, but don’t harden your heart so completely you forget what it means to truly love. Take care or you’ll become a cynical shrew unable to look at the world with wonder again.

“I won’t,” she whispered. “This is a task, nothing more. I —”

She whirled around as Ludvika drew aside the drapes and curtsied, her face pink and dotted with beads of sweat. “Breakfast is served.”

“Are you well?” Nadzia asked. “You look feverish.”

The old woman wiped her forehead. “Perun is a god of fire and lightning. He radiates a divine heat that can be overwhelming. Don’t give it a thought. I’ll be fine. Please, he’s waiting for you.”

“Won’t you be serving us?”

“Not today. The master insists on personally attending to his bride.”

Nadzia blew out a breath and crossed the corridor, pausing briefly under the oculus as a white stork flew overhead in a brilliant blue sky. Watch and learn. Do nothing differently until you’re sure. Remember, your affection is false. If he wants love, he won’t find it with you.

The thunderbolt-patterned curtains were tied open. Perun leapt up from a giant bed pushed against the wall, his face flushing as he eyed Nadzia’s gown. He greeted her with a long probing kiss that Nadzia returned with gusto, although his fervor left her slightly dazed. His robe was infused with the fresh scent of rain-washed air, his skin pleasantly warm. He released her reluctantly and helped her to a seat at a large oaken table in the center of the room. “I hope you’re hungry.”

Nadzia’s stomach rumbled at the dishes arrayed before her: glistening strawberries; poached eggs topped with herbs; curd cheese; fresh-baked breads. Perun made up a plate for her, poured a cup of tea from a blue pot painted with cranes, and then slid into a chair on the opposite end of the table. She offered a prayer of thanks for the bounty before her and ate heartily while he sipped from a crystal goblet next to a bottle of golden liquid. “Did you sleep well?” he asked again.

“Wonderfully,” she answered, curious as to why her slumber held such importance to him. “I’ve never had such soft sheets.”

“And the servants, you are pleased with their work?”

Nadzia put down her fork and suppressed a burp. Gods, where were her manners? She picked up a white napkin embroidered with golden firebolts and dabbed at her mouth. “Yes, thank you. Gabrielle is attentive and this food is delicious.”

“Ludvika will be happy to hear that.” An unexpected softness tempered Perun’s face. “She came all the way from the eastern highlands to cook for you.”

“I’m surprised she didn’t stay,” Nadzia replied, encouraged by the god’s friendly gaze. Her voice took on a note of teasing. “I’d never have expected you to serve me.”

“It is the first morning of your new life. I wanted to make sure you were comfortable.” Perun guzzled the remains of his drink and refilled his glass.

Nadzia munched a slice of poppy seed bread in silence as he downed the amber-colored draught. She assumed it was nectar, beverage of the gods. What would happen if she tried some? She was half divine, it shouldn’t poison her or drive her mad like the hapless mortals who’d somehow procured a batch and guzzled it in search of divine inspiration. It might even strengthen her voice.

Perun seemed to be reading her mind. He pushed his cup across the table. “Drink. It won’t hurt you, I promise.”

Warnings echoed in Nadzia’s mind. Trust no one. She ran a finger along the rim of the dark vessel. “How can you be sure? I won’t be a goddess until we marry.”

“Don’t be afraid, my love. The blood of the Immortals flows through you.”

“True, but so does human blood. What if it sickens me?”

Perun dragged his chair close and draped one arm around her, his fingers lightly caressing her shoulder. “Believe me. I would never place you in harm’s way.”

Soothing warmth emanated from his touch. Nadzia’s resistance waned. He was right, of course. It made no sense for him to injure his chosen one. Not after centuries of waiting. “Just a swallow,” he whispered, nibbling at her ear, “and you’ll see what awaits you as my queen.”

Jolts of desire shivered down Nadzia’s spine. If nectar heightened her senses, she might find it easier to ferret out the truth without having to spellbind the servants, save her magic for the one she was here to destroy. That was worth any risk. “A taste,” Perun urged, tickling her neck with his breath. “You won’t regret it.”

Nadzia raised the glass to her lips and sniffed. The delicate smell of roses perfumed the air. She swallowed hesitantly, but the drink slid down her throat like the finest mead, a pleasing combination of sweet and tart. In moments, she was delighting in new sensations. Everything was brighter, clearer, the crane on her teapot so vivid she expected the bird to come alive and preen for her. She heard the scuttle of mice beneath the stone floors, sensed the thrum of power emanating from Perun. Her flesh tingled with anticipation. So this is what it feels like to be a god!

And then her throat closed. She dropped the cup and fell to the ground, gasping for air. A thousand streaks of light glittered before her eyes, blinded her to all else. Sweat soaked her gown as fire coursed through her veins, an inferno threatening to consume her. She clung to the table and prayed to Jūratė for release. Take me, Blessed One. Let me rest in your arms.

“Nadzia! Hold fast!” A cooling mist enveloped her, dousing the fever. The lights vanished and she gazed in wonder at Perun as he gently helped her stand—a luminous glow surrounded him from head to toe. She held up her hands and saw the same brilliance radiating from her fingers, although not as bright.

“Did I not tell you?” Perun said, beaming. “The glory of your divine nature has been released. Come, there is something I wish to show you.”

He guided Nadzia to the room adjoining their chambers, eased her into the smaller throne, and then settled into his own chair, its seat worn with the imprint of his bulk.

“There are memories I carry,’ he said. “Fond remembrances of my disciples. Watch and  see what awaits.” He pinched his forehead, extracted a thin line of fire, and tossed it into his eternal flames at the center of the temple. Shadows peeled away from the walls near the entry and became a procession of ghostly pilgrims: men, women, and children of all ages. They fell to their knees before Perun and proclaimed his glory, vowing eternal fealty in gratitude for the life-giving rains that allowed their fields to flourish. His luster increased with every pledge.

Nadzia watched him out of the corner of her eye. This wasn’t the hostile deity she’d grown up fearing, full of rage and murder and all things dark. This god exuded charm, congeniality, not a trace of belligerence. He even thanked a shy young woman who left a bouquet of wildflowers at his feet. If Nadzia hadn’t known of his foul deeds, she might have mistaken him for a benevolent deity, warmhearted and indulgent.

“All this and more will be yours,” he said, turning to her at last. “Listen!”

A group of children dressed in white tunics and leggings formed a circle and skipped around the temple’s fire. The sweet melodies they sang reminded Nadzia of the lullabies crooned to babes in the convent’s nursery. She hummed along, her eyes welling, immersed in the pleasure of their voices and the tender memories they evoked. A time when life was simpler.

And yet something felt wrong. How had the god of storms conjured up a vision with music that came from the Order of Bursztyn? He’d said these were his followers, not devotees of the mermaid goddess, and outsiders never came within the convent except to deliver food for the solstice feast. How could he have learned its private songs?

His voice, husky with longing, interrupted her reverie. “There are those who question the need for gods. But now that you’ve come, I don’t care if the world forgets me, as long as you stay by my side.”

Oh, the yearning in his tone! A rush of tenderness infused Nadzia, so sudden and overwhelming she nearly swooned in her seat. No one had thought to teach her how to battle divine magic. The convent had deemed Perun crude, barbaric, not a god capable of manipulating emotion or using spells of his own. She struggled against his charms as he left his throne and stood before her. “Your new life awaits, my love. Will you be mine?”

Did she dare accept the adulation he offered? The heart in her pendant throbbed with wild abandon, overwhelming her with desire. This was where she belonged. She raised her chin to kiss him, but her braid caught on the necklace’s chain. As she reached back to untangle the golden filigree, her fingers grazed the mark on her neck. The mermaid’s scales turned into barbs and pierced her fingers. She bit back a cry, her true feelings restored in a rush of clarity. Don’t succumb to his wiles. Remember his wrath. Remember Jūratė.

She stepped down and eased into his embrace, allowing one of his arms to linger about her waist as they watched the frolicking youths. This was how he intended to entice her, with glamours. Using nectar and magic to wear down her defenses until he had his heart’s desire. A mockery of love. Wretched, despicable god!

And yet, how could she claim to be any better?

An ache began deep in her chest. Perun might be full of guile, but she was just as devious, seeking his downfall while pretending to be happy. She could never claim innocence again. No matter what happened, no matter where she ended up when all this was settled, one way or the other, her life would never be the same.

Perhaps, she thought grimly, it was for the best. Her world had changed and so must she. From now on, she would continue her pretense of happiness while looking for signs of deceit in every word the thunder god spoke, every action, beginning with this phantom display he’d created to dazzle her. She squeezed his arm, filled her glance with pleasure. “I know this music. It comes from the Order of Bursztyn. Where did you learn it?”

“I spent many years observing.”

“Without being seen? However did you manage that?”

“Your sisters expected to find me in the stars,” he said, grinning. “They did not think to search the trees just outside their walls. I often roosted there in the form of an eagle.”

“That was brave.” Nadzia pressed a hand against her chest and widened her eyes. “A hunter might have felled you.”

“I fear no mortal’s weapons. No arrow can slay me, no cage hold me.”

Nadzia titled her head and frowned, as if puzzled. “When I become immortal will I be invincible too?”

“You will live forever, my love. We both will.”

“And nothing can change that?”

His gaze dropped to the jewel at Nadzia’s breast. The heart inside his stone skipped a beat. He hesitated and then looked up with a strained smile. “Nothing.”

Gods be damned, he’s lying! There was something hidden here, something Nadzia sensed held the answer to her quest. She nodded and smiled, her resolve newly stirred. She would ask Perun to teach her everything about the world of the divine. He’d never suspect that behind her eager innocence there lurked an emissary waiting for the moment when he lowered his guard and divulged the secret that would lead to destruction.

He could keep his throne and his foul jealous love, she’d never be his bride. She wouldn’t be content until she was back in Jūratė’s soothing waters. But first she had to get away, before the hostility roiling inside betrayed her. “Forgive me,” she said, fanning her cheek. “I’m not accustomed to spending so much time indoors. Will you walk with me?”

“An excellent idea. It’s time you met the rest of your servants.”

Nadzia tucked her arm into his and beamed, to all appearances a love-struck girl devoted to the burly god escorting her onto his grounds.

©2022 by Kathryn Jankowski

Image of Perun: – KAOSS-8

Image of Nadzia: