No matter how good a self-editor you may be, an extra set of eyes will find things you’re too close to pick up. Every writer needs feedback, and I’ve found an online critique just for those who write speculative fiction, O.W.W.
It’s geared for writers in three specific genres: science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Right away, you’ve got a corp of readers and writers dedicated to your market. The cost is minimal, $49.00 a year. That’s 13 cents a day to those of you shaking your heads and saying you can’t afford it–you can!
There’s a free, 30-day trial and O.W.W. will post your first submission for free as well (normally, you need four review credits). Of course, you’ll want to start reviewing immediately, both to get your name out and to garner reciprocal reviews. Most authors return critiques, but if you want to be sure then look for a story with C4C–crit for crit–in the title.
My YA fantasy, “Jurata’s Daughter”, went through O.W.W. and it’s a better story for all the stellar feedback I got. Two of my reviewers even offered to be beta readers. How cool is that?
Now my MG fantasy adventure is up for reviews. So far, so good, but even those who like it will note where there’s room for improvement. WARNING: If you don’t have a thick skin, you’ll need one. Reviewers don’t hold back. Yes, you can count on hearing what they like, but also what they don’t and why. Amazing what others see that escapes you.
However, if you think you’ve received a truly mean-spirited or unprofessional review, you can contact the O.W.W. moderators. They have high standards and expect participants to heed them.
Sound good? Go on, give O.W.W. a try. I’ll bet that first month will hook you.
***This may come off as a sales pitch; I promise I’m not on O.W.W.’s payroll. 😉
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