A creative nonfiction writer. *Check CREATIVE NONFICTION menu (on left) for links to published stories.*

The author of two novels:

Worse Than Wicked, a middle-grade fantasy, available at Amazon.

The Thunder God’s Bride, a young-adult paranormal romance, serialized on this website.

Happily retired after working in parks, offices, newsrooms and education.

An avid gardener whose fabulous partner helped her change a dirt backyard into a Certified Wildlife Habitat.

Addicted to The New York Times’ crossword puzzles. Seriously. She gets churlish without them.

The owner of a vintage Delarosa accordion from Italy who wishes she could play it as well as it deserves.

Thankful you stopped by. Contact her with any questions or comments.


All written content © Kathryn Jankowski. No part of this website may be reproduced or shared without the express written consent of the owner.


2 thoughts on “KATHRYN JANKOWSKI IS . . .”

  1. Kathryn,
    I was so excited to read about your award in our AAUW Feather Vane.
    And you’re a member?! I’d love to connect with you in person (or online) and I’d so like to read your work. Is there any way I can purchase your book–other than through Amazon? (I canceled my Amazon account last year–too many problems). For some reason, I have this eerie feeling that we’ve actually met before. Do you use a pen name? Please–get back to me when you have a minute.
    And again–congratulations!

    1. Hi Barbara,

      Sorry for taking so long to respond. I’ve been remiss about checking my website.

      Thank you for your kind words. Yes, we’ve met, years ago. I haven’t attended any meetings since COVID.

      Sorry, but the book is only available on Amazon. Maybe you have a friend who could order it for you?

      Since I don’t check this site as much as I should, you can always contact me at the email address in the 2021-2022 AAUW Roster. (I don’t want to list it here and invite spam. I get enough of it as is.)

      Thanks again and take care.


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